Trust in the Lord Always and Again I Say Rejoice
What It Means to "Rejoice in the Lord Always" (and 10 Means Jesus Can Be Our Example)
Meg Bucher Author and Author
Rejoice in the Lord e'er. I will say it again: Rejoice!" ~ Philippians 4:4
Rejoice ever, pray continually, requite thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. – ane Thessalonians 5:sixteen-18
These verses have evolved in my heart like a fine wine over time. What used to be a handy Biblical version of my babyhood motto, "Don't worry, be happy,"now drifts through my tired-mom soul like the aroma of freshly-ground. Joyful takes on new meaning when I am striding through life with Jesus. The more I run with Him, the deeper into the concept of joy I go.
"Rejoice in the Lord" Philippians 4:four Pregnant
The NIV Cultural Backgrounds Report Bible states that "rejoicing might be associated with praise,"and it references some of the following verses:
"I will be filled with joy because of you. I will sing praises to your name, O Most High."Psalm 9:2 (NLT)
"Sing praises to God and to his proper noun! Sing sound praises to him who rides the clouds. His name is the Lord- rejoice in his presence!"Psalm 68:4 (NLT)
Joy is more than giddy happiness. It'due south praise. Rejoicing. The Strong's definition of the original Greek discussion for "rejoice" includes: "to be well, thrive; and in salutations, hail!"
We see how to thrive, be well, and rejoice exceedingly (regardless of our circumstances) when we observe how Jesus maintained joy though He knew the cantankerous was coming.

1. Rejoice Knowing Who and Whose You Are
"Jesus knew that the Father had put all things nether his ability, and that he had come up from God and was returning to God." John 13:3 (NIV)
Jesus knew who He was and Whose He was. If only we carried the same confidence into life daily, how unstoppable our testimony would exist! Ofttimes, my older daughter clings to me …literally. She is ten now, but often has days where she needs more honey than usual. John twenty:17 records Jesus saying, "Don't cling to me." He meant not here on globe, physically. My girl won't be able to concord onto me forever either, not in physical hug class. In perfect love, though, He is always with us. 'Don't cling to me hither,' he said, just instead 'embrace me for all of eternity.' They didn't get then what nosotros know now through the power of salvation. Jesus knew the coming glory that would surpass His fourth dimension on earth.

2. Rejoice in Trusting God's Timing
"Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and brand him king by force, withdrew over again to a mountain past Himself." John 6:fifteen (NIV)
Jesus trusted in His Male parent's timing. Our impatience frequently sucks the joy out of our waiting. We miss so much if we skip over what God is doing in our lives right now. He and so oftentimes submitted to the Father's will and the Father'due south timing. It'due south mettlesome when we put dreams on pause to follow God'southward will even when it makes practical sense to forge frontward. Bravery symbolizes bold moves for Christ despite the odds. How exercise we know when to stay and when to go? By our rock-solid relationship with Christ. Through prayer, the word, working hard with the gifts He has given us, His timing will start to trump our timeline.

three. Rejoice Even in the Face of Fright
"Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and asked them, "Who is it y'all want?" John eighteen:four NIV
It'due south a scary matter to accept to admit a mistake, peculiarly when information technology comes along with a huge or painful issue. Jesus, too, had to confront fear when He accepted a fate He didn't deserve for the sake of our conservancy. We can retain our joy past walking manus in paw with Jesus through hard moments and mistakes. He understands. He died to redeem and restore us, forgive us from sins, and achieve smashing things through the states. Those are the promises we need to let echo in our ears when fear is threatening to stop usa in our tracks.

iv. Rejoice in Eternal Perspective
"I write these things to you who believe in the proper name of the Son of God that you may know that yous accept eternal life. And this is the confidence that we accept toward him, that if we ask anything co-ordinate to his will he hears us." 1 John five:13-14
Jesus took on the cantankerous for our eternal security. As a parent, I would suffer pain and death for my children. Nosotros are all His children, and He endured that neat pain and death for the states. He leaves the i and comes after the ninety-nine, a philosophy that overflows with honey beyond survival to the fittest. He loves united states so much that even in spite of (and because of) our sin, He sacrificed His humanity in the most brutal and undeserving way possible. He did it all while sustaining joy through the honour of doing His Father's will. We can relish in the aforementioned joy that surmounts the very existent pain of life. Information technology's this eternal perspective that pulls us through grave illness, poverty, hunger, and heartbreak. He goes through it all with us.

5. Rejoice in Uncontainable, Unconditional Honey
"Before I formed y'all in the womb I knew you." Jeremiah 1:5
Imagine the joy Jesus feels knowing that every 1 of His children has the potential to blossom into something beautiful. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Give-and-take was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:ane The intimate relationship betwixt a mother and newborn child is just a slice of the kind of dear our Male parent has for the states. Jesus maintained His joy, knowing what He would have to do, because of who He knew we were created to exist. Despite our sinful nature, He chooses to beloved us and see the skilful in u.s.. He died on the cross for us, and He prays for u.s.a. fifty-fifty now. That uncontainable honey fills every room at the sound of His proper noun.

6. Rejoice in Prayer
"He went up on the mount by Himself to pray; and when it was evening, He was in that location alone." Matthew fourteen:23
Prayer is our lifeline to the Father. Jesus died to open up up a line of communication that would literally sustain us and the Holy Spirit translates our heart'due south musings. Jesus personally knew the power of prayer. It was enough to sustain His joy, and information technology is more than enough to sustain ours. Jesus prayed routinely, setting the perfect example for u.s. to follow. Throughout Scripture, we see many moments recorded of Jesus praying: before He chose the apostles, in the Garden, at the Concluding Supper, and others. The fact that He awoke early on in the morn to pray points to the importance of our daily communication with Him. Putting Him starting time is such an important key to sustaining joy in our lives.

7. Rejoice in Human relationship with God
In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus poured out the desperation in His heart to God. He knew what He would have to face-- how vicious and painful it would be. Christ is fully God, and fully man, and therefore felt that pain even as He obeyed joyfully. When we doubt what we can face up, we can look to Christ's obedience to God as a design of how to suffer.
"He withdrew nigh a rock's throw beyond them, knelt downward and prayed, 'Father, if yous are willing, have this cup from me; yet not my will, only yours be done.' An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. And existence in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground." Luke 22:41-44

8. Rejoice in Loving Others
"Did I non choose yous, the Twelve? And still i of you is a devil." John vi:lxx ESV
Jesus did not await perfection in exchange for joy from those around Him. He was a friend to all but chose twelve to exist his closest disciples. Out of that twelve, three were particularly shut, and one was His best friend on this earth. I take to believe that all of His friends probably had their moments of doubtfulness and fear, but Judas' betrayal is harder for usa to forgive than the 'minor' offenses of Peter'south denial or ear-cutting incident. Not and then for Jesus. He was able to see human flaws as a consequence of a sin-soaked earth, not a flawed creation. Nosotros, too, tin maintain a more blithesome stature if we choose to see each other in this aforementioned lite.

9. Rejoice in Dying to Self
"Then Jesus said to His disciples, 'If anyone desires to come up after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to salve his life will lose it, simply whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.'" Matthew 16:24-25
There was a sermon series I listened to years ago called, "Decease to Selfie." It put into words perfectly what we struggle with so innately equally human beings: cocky. Jesus died to self, knowing information technology was the key to joy. He rejoiced in serving others. Christ gave His time on earth to pour Himself out for others, down to the terminal drop of His blood. He did it to bear upon the eternal life of every child of God. When we turn out in service to others instead of inward in selfish gain, we feel godly joy. It's what we were created to do.

x. Jesus Knew How to Love
"Above all, dear each other securely, because love covers over a multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:viii
Jesus walked the earth with joy because He understood honey. He knew we wouldn't get information technology right, simply He taught and demonstrated how it should be. So ofttimes, nosotros let conflict and disagreement steal our joy, but there is power in seeking to dear over all else. I once read that the manner we love the difficult people in our lives reflects more than of our soul than how we love the easy ones. It reminds me of a plumbing fixtures running analogy: Running is easy when I'g not injured, but when the pain surfaces, it gets harder and more uncomfortable to button through. Still, I'm e'er glad I did. So-- push through to love. It may hurt, simply sustaining joy is worth it.
Million writes nigh everyday life inside the love of Christ on her blog, She is a stay-at-home mom, freelance writer, blogger, and preparing to release her start book, "Friends with Everyone." She resides in Northern Ohio with her husband of eleven years, two daughters, and their Gilded-doodle.
This article is function of our larger resources library of popular Bible verse phrases and quotes. We want to provide easy-to-read articles that answer your questions about the meaning, origin, and history of specific verses within the Scripture context. It is our hope that these will help you better understand the meaning and purpose of God's Word in relation to your life today.
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"The Lord is my Shepherd"
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